What makes GAUGECASH stand out from the rest of cryptocurrency projects? Stability! In a market where high volatility is considered to be something natural, we value stability, and that’s exactly what we want to offer our users.
GAUGECASH is an index not pertaining to any Central Bank, which has obvious advantages for regulation purposes and Decentralization. Let’s look at the advantages in question:
The price is more stable than any other currency in the world, including Gold. We define stability as the average change against the currency pair itself in any given period.
It will be more expensive than any other currency against the USD; this has a positive purchase power effect.
It contains information on WorldWide Monetary Policy.
If any currency suffers from hyperinflation or unexpected volatility like the one provoked by the Central Bank of Switzerland with CHF in 2015, the math innovations implemented in this new kind of Weighted Average make the Index more stable with respect to all other currencies including Gold and Silver at that instant in time.
The service for obtaining GAUGECASH will be given for free on our website in a simple User Interface.
The GAU/USD is being integrated by chain.link and our team and will be public by Summer 2021.
We leverage blockchain technology to make our project as convenient for our users as possible, and increase their level of trust!
Want to learn more about GAUGECASH? Visit our website.