GAUGECASH's AMA at CHAINLINK's Telegram channel

Held on Feb 15th, 2022

8 min readFeb 15, 2022

Marc Romero 2.0: Joining us from the GAUGECASH team, we have Manuel Blanco (@manuelblancoappleby).
Welcome and thank you for your time today.

Manuel Blanco: Hi Marc. Thanks to you for inviting me.

Marc Romero 2.0: My pleasure
Before we jump into things, can you introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your background?

Manuel Blanco: For sure, I am Manuel Blanco, the Founder of GAUGECASH, The First World Decentralized Monetary System. I did story physics and am still very in love with theoretical physics. I keep doing it in my spare time.
But I have made my career in Financial Markets, What is called OTC, Over the Counter Industry, all the way from Forex, to Futures, to Options, Venture Capital, and so on. Liquidity providers and Tech on Finance.

Marc Romero 2.0: Fantastic!! Let's jump to our first question.
Tell us about your project; how does it work?

Manuel Blanco: We wanted to decentralize a value for pricing goods and services that has sense in accordance with Modern Monetary Policy. We wanted it to be more stable than any other currency created. So, inspired by the Index Industry, we've come up with a Weighted Average that has some cool mathematical properties.

One, the way it gives weight to the best-managed fiat currencies in the world is given by a mathematical curve, not just random weights. The second is that if any of its constituents lose value, more properly said: suffer from hyperinflation, the Index doesn't get affected and keeps more stable than major currencies.

The backup is pretty interesting as well. The second significant innovation of GAUGECASH: you can back it up using the scarcity principle that some issuance models of decentralized assets have, for example, ETH, LINK, MATIC. And make a self-reinforcing economic system. In history, this has been classified as a hard monetary system, but with blockchain, we can make it work highly accurately.

Marc Romero 2.0: What do you mean by Modern Monetary Policy?

Manuel Blanco: Historically, depending on which country, Economic Systems Range from hard peg to something that anyone agrees to trade on, and to pure free-market discovery price. Most of today's countries use the latter.

Marc Romero 2.0: Got it.

Manuel Blanco: So this brings Cycles of growth and crisis. Central Banks try to fight these processes with the tools they have, but few have accomplished this nicely in the last 50 years. Just the majors and still the CHF had a big hiccup in 2015. Nonetheless, it has proven to be the best. We can improve that now that we have significant-tech changes happening, like blockchain.

Marc Romero 2.0: CHF is the abbreviation for the Swiss franc.

Manuel Blanco: Yes Correct. CHF Swiss Franc

Marc Romero 2.0: Thanks, Manuel, for this clarification.

Marc Romero 2.0: Let's go for the 2nd one. As always, we're interested in what makes your project special?

Manuel Blanco: Well, the two things I mentioned above: the Index and the way of backing it. The other thing is that we want the service to be free and the User Interface as simple as possible. Because we want massive adoption for a much-needed service around the globe, going forward, we will scale as the industry does: taking care of our values, which are decentralization, scalability, and free. By free, I mean as low as possible as the tech is in its infancy.

Marc Romero 2.0: Sounds good. For our community is very important why you choose Chainlink. Please tell us more about how GAUGECASH and Chainlink work together?

Manuel Blanco: Well, this was a pretty cool story for us. When developing the theoretical framework of GAUGECASH/GAUGEFIELD, we didn't know if there would be the tech to bring the Index to life. We have been working with Chainlink's Team for more than a year now, and we have brought new tech to the field. The GAUGECASH's value has been tested directly in Polygon's mainnet now for more than three months and will see the light pretty soon. We will announce it with the Chainlink team. It is working as expected, and Chainlink has been terrific, putting a lot of effort cause this was a bit off from typical integrations.

Marc Romero 2.0: Talking about GAUGEFIELD… tell me more about your token.

Manuel Blanco: Yes. GAUGECASH is a Token pegged to the Oracle we will release with Chainlink. GAUGEFIELD is a novel liquidity pool. I want to clarify that it is not an AMM* or anything working by itself. It is actually much more complex than that.
I'll explain: We minted only 500m GAUF, and in different stages of GAUGECASH Adoption, we will wrap one decentralized asset that has scarcity in its issuance model as well. When volume and trading for goods and services take certain takeoff levels, the price of the pool will increase just by the law of supply and demand.
This can be measured using Game Theory techniques, and the relationship between GAUGECASH Volume and GAUGEFIELD MC is pretty similar to equilibrium in well-known cash markets.

For Central Banks is called Velocity of Money. It is how much money you need to print so everyone can have enough for a daily transaction but is always less than the whole wealth of people per daily volume.

Marc Romero 2.0: Could you tell us more about the token economics?

Manuel Blanco: We had a presale. Now we are in a pre-IDO/IEO stage. The GAUGECASH Service will be ready in some months. So people can freely buy GAU/USD to transact goods and services worldwide, knowing that no central power can temper with the stable value. So once they have Crypto, they can exchange to GAUGECASH and use it to store value or transact in a peer-to-peer manner.

GAUGEFIELD is for the DeFi Investors who could be users as well of GAUGECASH to give liquidity to GAUGECASH. Once GAUGECASH reaches certain adoption volumes, GAUF will increase in price, offering a transparent yield that we will make visible to the community. That's why it is a self-reinforcing system.

Just if you allow me the comparison to make it simple: We are building an F1 car. When ready, we will take it to the track and measure telemetry. Then, we will share the data. Therefore, users and investors can benefit from both ends, which is super cool.

Marc Romero 2.0: You've been talking about the historical Average Volatility. Where can we check that and compare it with the GAUGECASH Index?
(our bot is very sensitive)

Manuel Blanco: Here, we backtested the Index all the way to 2002 when the euro was released. People can see the average volatility per month for all major currencies, including gold. Forex is not as stable as people think in the First World. In the Third World, it's pretty bad internally, with examples in Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil.
We are happy to bring this to people.

Marc Romero 2.0: Let's go for another one…
What is the best way for someone watching today to get started with GAUGECASH?

Manuel Blanco: They can already participate in the Liquidity Pool. GAUGECASH will see the light pretty soon, before July, as we are finishing the tech. And will promote some bounties to create a cool and easy User Interface for different platforms, meaning desktop, mobile, apps, and so on. Always with the same vision: simplicity for the final User.

Marc Romero 2.0: What's next on your project's roadmap?

Manuel Blanco: We will announce the GAU/USD with Chainlink.

Marc Romero 2.0: An alpha leak, maybe? 😉

Manuel Blanco: For sure.
The Index is ready, so it's just a matter of announcing!

Marc Romero 2.0: Amazing!!

Manuel Blanco: We will do the beta test of GAUGECASH/GAUGEFIELD on Polygon’s network in the upcoming weeks. And we will build the User Interface with the developers' community via a bounty in Gitcoin. And, of course, some other corporate dealings to keep growing. Those will take a bit of time, as we humans are much slower than technology 😉

Marc Romero 2.0: Talking about announcing… where can the audience follow you and your project?

Manuel Blanco: In our website and Telegram group

Marc Romero 2.0:

Marc Romero 2.0:

Marc Romero 2.0: Website:

Marc Romero 2.0: For the Community… feel free to ask questions about GaugeCash.

Anders Talige: Manuel, in your white paper, you mentioned the market that you plan to target for the adoption of gaugecash as value storage and as means of payment. My question now is: Can you somehow quantify your estimated growth path of the gaugecash volume in the coming years? What do you think the Gaugecash volume can/will be in one year, two years, three years from now?

Manuel Blanco: Great question.

Claudyul: What is the plan for IDO? How will the 500 mil gauf be released to public/private buying?

Manuel Blanco: Anders: I have heard people within Crypto be afraid of USDT. We are not.

James Madden: Are you saying it will be released before July then? And what platforms are you looking at first to release on?

Manuel Blanco: We see it feasible to have 100 Billion GAUGECASH per day moving around. Crypto is just tiny compared to cash markets around the world, and GAUGECASH is for Crypto and out of Crypto.

Claudyul: Billion? Waaw

Manuel Blanco: So, the relationship between GAUGECASH and GAUGEFIELD should be around 5:1. Cash markets historically show that equilibrium. So, if you do the math, it is pretty impressive.

Anders Talige: Indeed, thank you.

hujmx: Why is there no interest from institutional investors or institutional money in GAUGECASH? No institutional funding to date?

Manuel Blanco: [In reply to Claudyul] Depending on market conditions and that volume of GAUGECASH starts to be used. We like strong fundamentals for investors to come by.

Manuel Blanco: [In reply to James Madden]

Claudyul: Ok, so not all gauf will be released in the first phase, and there will be multiple phases in the coming years?

Manuel Blanco: [In reply to James Madden]
GAUGECASH will be on our website as we are not an exchange business.

Manuel Blanco: Mobile is a priority with all web 3 power as we can.

Marc Romero 2.0: Thank you very much, @manuelblancoappleby, for joining us today!!! Best wishes.

Claudyul: Do you plan to implement payments directly with GAU from mobile app? Meaning people could use a wallet and pay with gau, or an existing solution for payment needs to be used?

Manuel Blanco: [In reply to hujmx] Cause we honestly are significantly ahead of the curve. Investors will believe when they see GAUGECASH working. It will open their eyes. On the other hand, we have talked with some big players, but we will not disclose that yet. Here we are with Chainlink and Polygon. They are big and decentralized enough.

Anders Talige: We are really excited about the Gaugecash project!

Claudyul: Thank you very much for all the details!

Manuel Blanco: [In reply to Claudyul] Of course!!! The UI will be amazing

Claudyul: [In reply to Manuel Blanco] 👍 I see a lot of use cases for GAU/GAUF, good luck to all the team involved in the project.

Manuel Blanco: [In reply to Marc Romero 2.0] Thank you, Marc, and all Chainlink crew! I'll keep answering some more questions in our group.
Chainlink is undervalued, but people will catch up eventually. The tech is just out of the charts. Thank you, guys!

Link sensation: This was incredible, and thank you, Manuel.

Manuel Blanco: You are so welcome

Follow GAUGECASH on Twitter, Telegram and visit the website.




Written by GAUGECASH

World’s First Decentralized Monetary System

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